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Alpenglow will be giving away over $10,000 in epic outdoor gear.
Everything from skis to jackets to swag that make your friends jealous...and more. Names are drawn and announced during the live broadcast. Select your level of radness below to automatically enter your chance to win!
All proceeds benefit:
If you have already registered for this event, click the button below to watch it live on February 25th or at a later date to watch the replay.
The Winter Speaker Series wraps on Thursday, February 25th, with a presentation from professional skier Vasu Sojitra. For 28 years, Vasu Sojitra has navigated life with one leg, an amputation that occurred when he was only nine months old. Now 29, Vasu is one of the top adaptive athletes and backcountry skiers in the world, and is known for putting down First Disabled Descents (FDDs). However, that’s not where he stops. His true passion lies in making the outdoors accessible to all. He has coined his approach to backcountry skiing as “ninjasticking,” and uses this to bring intersectionality to the outdoor space. Sojitra’s show will look at this intersectionality in-depth, and how reclaiming and breaking down stigmas that come with a Disability can change how transformation of outdoor spaces are viewed, welcomed and celebrated.
With over 4,000 attendees annually, the 15-year-old Alpenglow Winter Speaker Series (WSS) has become the premier North American forum for adventure storytelling. Five times per winter, a premier outdoor athlete presents an inspirational tale of adventure, creating a forum for motivation and inspiration. Every show is free. Giveaways, in conjunction with anonymous donations, currently raise more than $50,000 per show for local non-profit organizations. To date, WSS has raised over $500,000, making a tangible difference in North Lake Tahoe and beyond.
FOR THOSE THAT CAN'T MAKE THE LIVE EVENT: If you can't make the live program at 7pm PDT, you can still join the adventure - but you need to register now! We'll make the link viewable for everyone that registers, regardless of when you view it.
When Vasu Sojitra was only nine months old, he was diagnosed with septicemia, resulting in the amputation of one of his legs. Since then, Vasu has not looked back; with the help of his parents, brother, and friends, Vasu has built up the confidence needed to face new challenges with grace, courage, strength, humor, and unwavering determination.
Vasu witnessed extreme poverty growing up in India, and has been living most of his life with a “dis”ability. He looks at these experiences as a blessing; they have allowed him to truly hone in on his ability to empathize with others. He continues to strengthen his vigor through his work in advocacy for those who face mental and physical limitations. Vasu will continue to inspire others to be a positive influence in their own communities by pushing personal limits, putting others first, and encouraging people to believe in themselves and in their own unique abilities!
Alpenglow Sports is an original California Mountain Shop that has been providing locals and visitors with inspiration, local knowledge and the best equipment to enjoy the great outdoors since 1979. Based in Tahoe City, Alpenglow takes pride in being community, socially and environmentally responsible to ensure Lake Tahoe stays one of the best places to play, visit, and live in California. Learn more and explore their shop at alpenglowsports.com
Alpenglow Sports Virtual Winter Speaker Series is presented by:
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Email events@wildboundlive.com with any questions.
Official sweepstakes rules here. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER.